Saturday, June 23, 2012


Ok, so school is out and I've got all day every day to look at my apartment and figure out how to pack things and what we should/should not take with us...ya know, all that fun stuff. And there are times when I am really not excited about this move. In fact, I would go as far to say that at times I am so scared I just want to put it off! I still don't have a job (although I have been asked for an interview from 2 different schools so keep those fingers crossed), we are still working on the whole "place to live" thing, and in a month or so we will be leaving behind all friends and family. Change can be such a scary thing. It's scary because you don't know what's going to happen. It's scary because it's new and different. BUT, it is also necessary for us to grow.

Benn and I have had the wonderful opportunity to feel the assurance that Boston is where we need to be. We have already been blessed in so many different ways to help make this new adventure for us possible. So yea, we may still not have a place to live and I still don't have a job, but everything's going to be all right. :) We have each other, faith, and amazing friends and family to help support us and that helps to make things not so scary anymore.